submission to the open public consultation by the European Commission
by Dalibor Vavruska, Founder, Digiteccs Associates, September 2020
Great societies are built on shared visions as well as on freedoms, which allow members to pursue the visions in the best possible ways. In the 1990s Europe proved its ability to establish global technology leadership in wireless communications through its vision-based decisive policy moves in a carefully selected area (GSM licensing), followed by light-touch regulatory approach in data and digital services.
Much has changed since the 1990s. The World Economic Forum is now calling for a Great Reset post COVID 19, also due to environmental and other reasons. Data and digital services are now impacting individuals, economies and societies more than most other factors, and will continue to do so. COVID 19 has further accelerated this trend. Europe has meanwhile lagged behind global leaders in building major innovative digital industries. We suggest the European Union (EU) to consider a more fundamental re-think of its policy on data and digital services, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), to materially boost Europe’s competitiveness in digital industries while addressing some of the most crucial choices that humanity has ever face
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